Digital Body Language and How L&D Can Step up Its Game by Paying Attention to Data

Wednesday, May 30, 2018 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT  
Host: Future Workplace Webinars
By: Lori Niles-Hofmann, Chief Learning Officer, Fuse Universal

This webinar will discuss the Digital Body Language concept and how it is currently being used to allow us to effectively engage audiences with learning and why it may lead to better learner engagement and business performance.

Exploring live dashboards of how we currently track learner interactions on the Fuse platform, we will share insights on how to use this data to design learning tailored to your learner’s preferences.

  • How can we use ideas from marketing to drive engagement with learning?
  • What is Digital Body Language and how can an understanding of this allow us to effectively engage audiences with learning?
  • What can a next generation learning ecosystem provide us from the perspective of learner understanding?


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Lori Niles-Hofmann
Lori Niles-Hofmann

Chief Learning Officer, Fuse Universal


  • Fuse Universal