Address The Skills Gap Challenge With Micro-Credentialing

Wednesday, November 13, 2019 1:00pm - 2:00pm EST  
Host: Future Workplace Webinars
By: Jeff Salin, Senior Learning Solutions Consultant, D2L and Jeanne Meister, Executive Vice President, Executive Networks, and Founder, Future Workplace Academy

Micro-credentialing is a great way to track up-skilling and certification for learners within organizations.  This session will cover how micro-credentialing supports ongoing professional development and personalized learning pathways as it pertains to progress, accomplishments, and skills. Learn how other organizations are leveraging open badges to address the skills gap challenge.

Join us and learn:

  • What open badges are and why the the open badge framework matters
  • How badges help solve the skills gap and how clients are using them to transform their learning culture
  • Strategies for badging effectively at your organization.

Register today to hear how D2L is leveraging micro-credentialing to support learner outcomes


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Jeff Salin
Jeff Salin

Senior Learning Solutions Consultant, D2L

Jeff Salin is a senior instructional designer in the Learning and Creative Services department at D2L. He is a passionate educator, focusing on scenario-based learning, gamification, and competency-based education. He’s also into audio engineering, music, triathlons, and all things food.

Jeanne Meister
Jeanne Meister

Executive Vice President, Executive Networks, and Founder, Future Workplace Academy

Jeanne C. Meister is a founding partner of Future Workplace, an HR executive network and research firm. She is the recipient of the Distinguished Contribution in Workplace Learning Award, presented by the Association for Talent Development (ATD) to one executive each year honoring that individual’s body of work. Jeanne is the co-author of the bestselling book The 2020 Workplace: How Innovative Companies Attract, Develop, and Keep Tomorrow’s Employees Today and co-author of the upcoming book The Future Workplace Experience: 10 Rules for Mastering Disruption in Recruiting and Engaging Employees. Jeanne is also a contributor to Forbes. She lives in New York City and regularly speaks on how to prepare for the future of working and learning. 


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