How to Create Great Learning Experiences by Understanding the Human Mind’s Learning Mechanisms

Wednesday, January 27, 2021 1:00pm - 2:00pm EST  
Host: Future Workplace Webinars
By: Gregg Collins, Chief Learning Scientist, NIIT

We know a lot about how the mind learns. Unfortunately, this knowledge is too often ignored in corporate learning. Passive, teach-by-telling approaches still predominate in a world in which digital learning technology has made it possible to give each learner an individual immersive learning experience. In this talk, I will discuss the key elements of learning science, and describe how a methodology I call E=MC5 provides a recipe for the creation of effective learning experiences.

Join us and learn how:

  • The human mind learns naturally.
  • Designers can exploit an understanding of this.
  • The E=MC5 framework provides a recipe for great learning.
  • Game design can offer valuable lessons for learning designers.
  • Analyzing mistakes can be a key enabler of learning effectiveness.


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Gregg Collins
Gregg Collins

Chief Learning Scientist, NIIT

Gregg Collins is Chief Learning Scientist for NIIT. Gregg received his PhD at Yale Univerity in Artificial Intelligence, then joined the faculty of Northwestern University as part of the Institute for the Learning Sciences (ILS), where he worked on fundamental theories of human learning with a world class team of scientists. Gregg was co-founder of Cognitive Arts, a corporate spin-off of ILS, which was acquired by NIIT in 2002. The methodologies he has developed have helped make NIIT a global learner in learning outsourcing.